An Open Letter Concerning the Massacres of the Military Dictatorship in Egypt and its Willful Enforcers Among the Civilian Population

To the esteemed opponents of the military dictatorship,
to the many who are uninformed, and to the supporters of el-Sisi, et al:
I’m not writing these lines because I am an Egyptian, or because I am a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.  I am not.  I am an American citizen who was born in Frankfurt, the grandson of an American soldier who was willing to sacrifice his life in World War II for a better world and who fought in Germany against the Nazis.  I make my living as a social worker – an occupation that has been described as a human rights profession.


An Open Letter Concerning the Massacres of the Military Dictatorship in Egypt and its Willful Enforcers Among the Civilian Population (PDF, 260 kb)